New Acceleration Boards (Permanent and Temporary) 7th Dec 2024

New Acceleration Boards (Permanent and Temporary) 7th Dec 2024

by Admin User -
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Evening All,

Just a quick reminder following our previous forum post regarding the newly introduced A-Boards, which officially come into effect today.

To provide some additional information, I wanted to highlight the permanent A-Boards which can be used at level crossings. These boards are distinct from those marking the end of a TSR (Temporary Speed Restriction) or ESR (Emergency Speed Restriction).

(Signage: AD06)

The correct term for these permanent A-Boards is "Permissible Speed Acceleration Indicator".

For those interested in the background and application of these boards, please refer to my previous post here:

I have also attached a PDF handout that covers the topics mentioned above, as well as ESR/TSR A-Boards and the underpinning knowledge. I understand that some of you use the site within your training departments, so this document can be shared with your candidates if needed.

Kind regards,
Andy Hill